This was posted by a reader and yes, it has been verified that all of the information is correct, including being caught on the hood of a police car with the then police chief, as it is documented in court testimony. Though I feel strongly against posting about the children of the people that are the subject of these blogs, in the DC Clerk's document records, there is a conviction of rape in the 3rd degree.

Comment: Let’s look at Joanne to see the kind of Person that Aileen is bringing
back to Town Hall, after all its not about the town, it is who Aileen is friends with or Pompey tells what to do.
1. Takes job as bookkeeper and starts her
antics and bulling of other town employees.
2. Is caught on hood of car at Moose lodge with former Police Chief while married to her present husband.
3. Acts like fill in Supervisor under Yancy and Pompey and has free control of town hall due to lack of Supervision.
4. Makes a million dollar mistake for HP and blames it on dead co-worker
5. Her job is eliminated and replaced with comptroller and smacks Anne Boehm in back of head at town meeting and says “Bitch”.
6. 2009 and 2006 audit comes back and proves that Joanne did not practice good bookkeeping methods and still says she did nothing wrong.
7. Become buddies with Aileen and is promised her job
8. Aileen informs Comptroller that her salary will be cut in attempt to bring back Joanne.
9. Joanne should also be proud of her maternal skills; I
believe her son is a convicted felon and severed some time in prison. Proud to say that both her sons got the same girl pregnant to have grandchildren who are
both cousins and siblings.
I personally can’t wait for this woman to come
back to town Hall and run the town again, after all she is a well respect citizen of Hyde Park.

No Yancy Fan
12/15/2011 10:03:49 am

Is this what the incoming administration wants? This woman is known be be a pathological liar and an all around miserable excuse for a human being.

Aileen takes HP backwards
12/15/2011 10:38:14 am

Aileen has to be a idiot to bring Joanne back. The writer also forgot that she sued the town and lost. she wasted tax payer money.


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