It has been reported that Chairwoman Jean has now established a 'banned works' list which includes this very site that she has forbidden the committee members to view. Her attempts to censor the activities that the  committee members engage in their private life conflicts not only  with American but also  the Repubican value system that asserts that citizens have unalienable rights that cannot be voted away, which I remind you includes freedom of speech and thought. A correlation can be made between Chairman Mao's Republic of China,Stalin's Soviet Union and Chairwoman Jean's Committee in which the state dictates over both the public and private lives of the citizens. Is Jean reacting very much as Mao and Stalin did in a paranoid state in fear that they would lose their reign of power to both real and imagined conspirators?

In a correspondence that was received it states, 'We did hear from a Hyde Park Republican Committee member who informed us that Jean McArthur has forbidden all committee member to open our e-mails or read The Hudson Valley News Lies web site. Rather tyrannical, don't you think?'

The Republican Party was created in 1856, when John C. Fremont was nominated for President under the slogan: "Free soil, free labor, free speech, free men."  In no uncertain terms can be it disputed that Chairwoman's Jean placing this site on her Forbidden List is rather oxymoronic. Is she at all familiar with Republican values or did she choose the party because she has fond memories of watching Dumbo as a child?

Heed Caution to Chairwoman Jean's attempts to indoctrinate your Hyde Park Republican neighbors.

10/28/2011 10:21:39 am

Why is this women even involved in politics? both these clowns own a business. Their business would probably do a lot better if these two idiots did not get involved in politics. I believe that Jean has ruined the Hyde Park GOP and no republican will probably get into office for a while with these idiots running the show. As long as Jean is at the helm, the people of Hyde Park will be scared to vote Republican. Jean due us a favor, leave politics to make Hyde Park a better place and change your deodorant, last time I stood near you, your Body Odor was kicking.

No Yancy Fan
12/30/2011 10:17:35 am

One of the reasons that Jean has this bizarre desire to be chairperson is so that her miserable existence is somewhat justified. Another reason is to promote Yancy's failed political career. Would you believe this guys believes that he will be governor of New York State? Both are power hungry beyond one's wildest imagination. In their twisted quest for power and prestige they have effectively destroyed the Republican Party in Hyde Park with the help of Ann Boehm and the Serinos. The Republican Committee has been reduced to a mockery of what that committee once was. Why are these idiots still in a position of control? Just look at the people who are on the committee. Most look as if they are errors of the Darwinian model of evolution. BTW - Jean please do something about that rat's nest you call a hairdo, the style you seem to favor went the way of the wolly mammoth about 30 years ago.


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