In a previous blog I addressed the issue in which both the McArthurs were running for supervisor and town board. Allegedly in the 1999 election, there were fraudulent voters and a packed caucus that elected Yancy McArthur as the Republican candidate. (It's already been established that they had fraudulent voters registering using their address in later elections) However, how did the voters feel about Jean in 2001. Not impressed since she only received  220 out of 895 with Angelo Targia winning in every ward district. With this being in mind, is voter fraud or running unopposed the only means that they can will an election?
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HP Taxpayer
10/5/2011 10:28:08 pm

Had these two idiots won in 2001, they would have controlled 20% of the town board's votes. These individuals have an inconsolable thirst for power. Those who have been involved with them do not have nice things to say about them. Essentially, they are thugs.

10/8/2011 09:32:19 am

Not only are they thugs, they are white trash. Hey Jean and Yancy, good luck with the new business, I hope it does better than your ice cream shop and bagel store witch both failed. Unless you plan on doing the something you do with your oil business by giving the firefighters 20% off alcohol, I would not buy a big inventory if I were you.


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