Fast forward to the summer of 2011. Sadly, Gancy did not win the election despite the two votes from his brother and niece. Jenine's plan of being large and in charge did not come to fruitation because as sitting supervisor stated in interviews, he didn't take orders from 'party bosses.

It's a warm day in late May. Jenine arrives home excited.

Jenine: Gancy!GYancy!

Gancy is sitting in the club chair in his burgandy smoking jacket reading the latest edition of the HV News. It is upside down.

Gancy: Yes Jenine.

Jenine: I found the next candidate for supervisor!

Gancy: But I thought I was the next candidate.

Jenine: No, numbskull, you had your two terms. Didn't you know that it was after FDR died that they made the rule a supervisor can only be in office twice. And he was a republican too!

Gancy: Oh, ok.

Jenine: This kid that lives in the area came in looking for a job so I told him we were taking applications for the town supervisor. He's perfect for the job and besides, he can't seem to find a job anywhere else. He said he's a lawyer and a republican.

Gancy: That's great Jenine. Even though I did my two terms as supervisor I can still get to be governor!

Jenine: Good. Now go get dressed we have to introduce him to the committee.

Jenine leaves the room and Gancy is left alone. He looks at the newspaper on the side table and realizes he won't be able to finish it.

Gancy: *Sigh*  And there are really good pictures in this week's paper too.

Light fades.

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    October 2011

