*Did Jim Langan write this into the script?

There is a correction that needs to be made by James Kennedy Langan. His claim to being the Executive Producer is false. He actually wrote for the show per the information on the following site.  http://tv.yahoo.com/morton-downey-jr-show/show/32239/castcrew

Who was Morton Downey Jr? He was a controversial talk show host whose show ran from 1988-1989. The antics that occured in the show were infamous and he made bullying on TV a Trademark (or did the writer create that part for him). The L.A. Times used the following headline in his obituary in 2001 : Morton Downey Jr.; Made Bullying a TV Trademark http://articles.latimes.com/2001/mar/14/local/me-37443.
 His use of physical force against guest speakers was also not unusual.
The NY Times referred him as a combative TV Host in this collection of articles.
In a NY Times article, he claimed he was rude and overbearing. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,966395,00.html
Downey acknowledged that he was out of control as he stated, ' Later I took things too far. It got out of control because the producers wanted me to top myself every night.'
Let's take a look at what James Kennedy Langan was responsible for:

Watch  few episodes on You Tube and you can make the conclusion that James Kennedy Langan's writing skills haven't evolved past what can be compared to a frat boy mentality depicted by bullying and name calling.  Luckily for the American public, the Morton Downey Jr. show was a failure, with the show ending no sooner than it began.  Unfortunately for the residents of Hyde Park and surrounding communities we acquired a name calling, embezzling bully.

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