One must call into question the intellectual capacity of the republican candidate, Joseph Kakish with his recent failure on his second attempt at the bar exam. How ironic that an individual that is a such braggart failed twice to a venture he boasted of on numerous occasions. Incredible enough, he actually did brag that he was attorney to the Poughkeepsie Journal and the HV News in article printed in June when he was endorsed as a candidate. (Note the Poughkeepsie Journal corrected the erroneous information in a later edition)

But back to the blog title, you ask, why did I refer this test as ' idiot-proof' (almost at least). Talk to any (good) practicing attorney and they'll tell you, but I'll save you the trouble.

Well, in Mr. Kakish's case, he claims not only to graduate with a political science  degree  but also was employed as a paralegal at the law firm of Brotmann, Oros & Brusca.
Having previous experience should give him an advantage to pass the bar, but sadly, it did not.

He took the Connecticut Bar Exam which is a multi-state bar exam that consists of multiple choice and essay questions. This exam tests on fundamental legal principles as opposed to statutory and local case law. The Connecticut Bar Exam is considerably easier than the NYS Bar Exam which consists not only of multi-state material but case law specific to NYS.
More information on the multi-state exams and the National Conference of Bar Examiners is listed at the following website:

The exam is graded in two parts, the multiple choice on raw score (on a scantron) and the essay is graded on the content of the discussions contained within. Graders of the essay look for key words, phrasing, summarizing, etc. and is graded appropriately. For example, key words contained in the essay are worth a certain amount of points, generally 1-2 points.

When an examinee fails by ten points or less, they have the right to file an appeal and request for the essay section to be reviewed as there is room for human error. Most of the time additional points can be found and the examinee will pass the exam.

Here's where things look rather bad for Mr. Kakish.  He took the test on a previous occasion but sources say that he claimed he
was or would be filing an appeal because he failed by a few points (less than 5). Those few points he needed to pass couldn't be found for him and thus he had to retake and refail the bar exam. Did he actually fail his initial attempt by a few points or was this just one of his 'tall tales' with the hopes his claims would go unnoticed and he'd pass at his second attempt.

Failing to disclose petainent information as to is potential abilities as the leader of Hyde Park contradicts the information in his campaign literature.
His palm card reads, ' Hyde Park is a sleepy giant of
a town. I will wake up this town with strong leadership, honesty, communication and integrity that it deserves.'

First off, the statement of Hyde Park is a 'sleepy giant of a town' is rather comical, poorly composed and not to mention gramatically incorrect.  Did he come up with that all by himself or receive assistance from his political mentors. And who was the one responsible for proof reading campaign literature, since they should find a new profession. Let's hope he doesn't plan on running the town like he composes sentences.

Secondly, he states he is a strong leader, possesses honesty and promises transparency. Perhaps a good start to 'honesty'would be telling the truth for once in his campaign.
HP Insider
10/21/2011 09:15:06 am

Kakish has a problem with telling the truth. Where did he come from? Is he really a member of the Knights of Columbus or is this another Kakish lie? C'mon Joey, tell us the truth!


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