The HV News Lies has secured a copy of the supposed 'hundreds of thousands of dollars' that the NPS has claimed to bring to the town. As you can see, it is a mere $525.33. Now that the NPS has possession of the drive-in property to build their 'Welcome Center' the town will be short-changed. By ALOT of money.
The drive-in property brought in aproximately 50 times that amount in yearly taxes. And as one reader pointed out, the NPS does not participate in a profit sharing program with the town. So much for spread the wealth, eh?
We should also note that it is the NPS desire to reclaim all of the original land that was owned by the Roosevelts, which includes many residential communities as per the below map. The NPS service has already been claiming land in other parts of the country, one example being land in the Everglades.  This should give the residents of Hyde Park reason to be alarmed especially considering Aileen Rohr is in close communication and attempting on building a relationship with the NPS.
Screw tourism
3/16/2012 11:04:40 am

Who gives a monkey fuck about tourism in Hyde Park? When people go to the parks in this town, does the Park Service offer any kind of profit sharing with the town with the amount of tickets sold? NO! The park service does not pay taxes and probably owns the most land in town. I would like to see the number of tourists who come to Hyde Park considering that I know people who live within 20 miles of Hyde Park and have never visited any park in HP. As for Mike Dupree, it must be nice to be a kept man!


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