pre·lim·i·nar·y  [pri-lim-uh-ner-ee] adjective, noun, plural -nar·ies. adjective 1. preceding and leading up to the main part, matter, or business; introductory; preparatory:

Sue Serino, bimbo apparent of the Town Board was still confused at exactly what the  budget workshop entailed. Before the  resolution vote to add  the introduction to the agenda was made, she questioned why the budget that was being adopted  had a 17% increase, as she believed that the budget was being voted on that day. Wasn't the budget process explained to her numerous times at previous board meetings? She also should have been aware of this fact by the resolution she voted in favor of on October 3rd and it was stressed that this budget was currently a 'work in progress' several times throughout the workshop meeting. Perhaps the reason she is clueless is because Ms. Serino refuses to meet with Mr. Martino and stated she will only receive information from him via e-mail. So in that statement, Ms. Serino is essentially telling the public she will be removing herself from the budget process because she is not willing to put aside her personal feelings and work on a professional basis with a co-worker.  In another comment, Ms. Serino accused Mr. Martino of paying Mr. Horan to perform research in reference to case law for reducing salaries. As Ms. Serino is married to a lawyer, she should know the town attorney is hired on a monthly retainer basis. The attorney gets one flat fee for any work he performs for the town. She also took particular attention to Walt Doyle's salary cut and no other salary cuts in the budget because she has been a friend and supporter of Walt Doyle.

In a confrontation involving Mr. Kakish, he suggested that Mr. Martino make the tax cuts to the budget alluding to his desire that town employees be laid off and services which include the police force and highway department be reduced. He  claims that Mr. Martino has been wasting the taxpayers money with some of the examples of town improvements that were reflected in the town budget. He is stating in effect the road repairs, the building of the police facility and improvements to the Town Hall, the building that he thinks he will be sitting in come January 1st is a waste of money. Included in this blog is a copy of the preliminary budget and it is questionable if Mr. Kakish is capable of reading and understanding it. It appears that Mr. Kakish does not possess critical thinking skills, especially since he waved the preliminary budget up in the air and referred to it as 'bogus.' Well Joe, it technically is bogus as it's a 'preliminary' budget. DUH.

 It should also be noted that Ms. Rohr is present at the meeting and is conducting herself in a professional manner. 

Do note that Mr. Kakish was unaware of how his property taxes were comprised at the October 24, 2011 Town Board meeting.
 Let's take a look at the tape.

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